
EXPRESSJET CRJ Part Time Flight Attendant Program

We are pleased to announce that the Company has agreed to open the Part Time Flight Attendant Program which will go into effect on October 1, 2018.

As a reminder this is not the annual re-bid.  If you have accrued at least twenty-four (24) months of active service as a Flight Attendant and are a Regular Lineholder (at the time the bid closes) you are eligible to be awarded a Part Time Flight Attendant position.

Flight Attendants on inactive status may bid for part time, provided that they are anticipated to return to active status no later than the first (1st) day of the month in which the bid would be effective.

The bid will open at 1700 on August 13, 2018 and will close at 1700 on August 24, 2018.

If you have any other questions please email or


In solidarity,


Sara Gonzales                                         Marche’ Johnson-Cooper
GENERAL CHAIR                                      SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE