
Flight Attendant Appreciation Day


Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Every May 31st we celebrate Flight Attendant Appreciation Day, also known as International Flight Attendant Day and World Cabin Crew Appreciation Day. This special day of recognition was first celebrated in 2015 in Canada. From there it spread to the U.S. and countries all over the globe.

The job of Flight Attendant is one of the most important in aviation. Flight Attendants oversee everything that happens in the aircraft cabin. They are trained to administer CPR, fight fires onboard, assist with emergency landings, and evacuate planes. They comfort passengers in distress, celebrate with newlyweds, and help deliver babies! It’s no wonder they are sometimes referred to as “first responders” in the air.

The COVID era brought new challenges to flight crew members. The duties of a Flight Attendant changed dramatically during the pandemic. Covid and all its mutations brought out the worst in some people. Unruly and violent behavior onboard aircraft, including assaults on crew members, increased dramatically.

In 2021 the F.A.A. investigated over 1,100 incidents, compared to roughly 150 incidents annually in years past. In response, Flight Attendants and their unions pushed for legislation to better protect cabin crews, including a recent bipartisan bill known as the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act.

All of us at IAM District 142 would like to take a moment to thank our Flight Attendants for the phenomenal job they do. Thank you for being the amazing professionals that you are and for making our trip safer and more enjoyable.

We appreciate you every day!  With best wishes we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President-Directing General Chair