

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

I am pleased to report that this morning a discussion occurred between myself and maintenance management from Air Wisconsin Airlines. The subject of this conversation centered around recent industry changes in wages and the effects of those changes on every airline’s recruiting and retention abilities. While there is a large industry-wide focus on crew staffing in the pilot ranks, certificated mechanics are also in high demand and short supply. As the industry continues to evolve, and the labor shortage continues to escalate, the pressures on every airline in the United States will not subside.

Air Wisconsin has not been immune to these industry pressures and after discussions this morning, has indicated they are prepared to make an adjustment to the compensation package in place under the current CBA. Effective on 12/22/2022, changes ranging from seventy-three cents ($0.73) to three dollars and forty cents ($3.40) will be added to the base rates in Steps 1 through 8 and a two dollar and seventy cents ($2.70) Geographic Premium (reference Article 28, paragraphs A and C) will be added to every mechanics composite rate at all locations. All told, these increases range from six dollars and ten cents ($6.10) at step 1 to two dollar and seventy cents ($2.70) at Step 9.

CLICK HERE to see the mid-contract wage increases…

If you have any questions about the contents of this bulletin, please reach out to me at or (859) 653-4037. Thank you for your solidarity, patience, and commitment. With best wishes we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,

John M. Coveny, Jr.
President-Directing General Chair

James M. Samuel
General Chair