Dear Sisters and Brothers:
District 142 leadership is hosting a webinar for our Southwest Airlines Customer Care Team Members and Shop Stewards on Monday, January 27, 2025, from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time. District 142 General Chairs for Southwest will be online to answer your questions and concerns. All Customer Care members and Shop Stewards are encouraged to participate.
Shop Stewards, post this bulletin wherever applicable, and send the link to those members for whom you have contact information. Please note: specific grievances/discharge, Step 2s, and arbitrations will not be part of the discussion since grievances contain confidential and personal information about our members.
To join the meeting on the 27th, scan this QR code or click the link below. Please note: We are using the Microsoft Teams platform for this webinar. Registration is required when logging in.
We look forward to meeting and talking with our members. We plan for this to be an ongoing series of webinars for our Customer Care members. Please continue to watch for future dates and times as they are announced.
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
President/Directing General Chair
IAM District 142
Oralia Beecher
General Chair
IAM District 142
April Butler
General Chair
IAM District 142
Kenny Champagne
General Chair
IAM District 142
Lorraine Fraser
General Chair
IAM District 142
Carrie Lessley
General Chair
IAM District 142