To the PHL Membership: Your Negotiating Committee met with the Company the week of June 11, 2018. Present for the Company was Carol Morre, VP Human Resources; Kurt Schmidt, VP
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To the PHL Membership: Your Negotiating Committee met with the Company the week of June 11, 2018. Present for the Company was Carol Morre, VP Human Resources; Kurt Schmidt, VP
Sisters and Brothers, The IAM/Signature Flight Support-IAD Agreement will expire August 31, 2018. Accordingly, a call for contract proposals is now being made. All proposals are to be submitted on
This is to advise that on June 18-19, 2018 the District Lodge #142 Election Tellers, have counted and tabulated the votes for the election of District Officers and General Chairs
On June 12-14, 2018 your negotiating committee met in Dallas, Texas, Southwest Airlines Headquarters to continue negotiations. Present for the company were: Adam Carlisle, Sr. Director, Labor Relations, Dan Kusek,
Philly has a message they want heard! https://youtu.be/fb0VWe_2CDc
Brothers and Sisters, Association negotiators met with American Airlines Monday and Tuesday this week. The purpose of the meetings was to discuss minor, but important open issues. Some progress was
Over the weekend, Kansas City had severe thunderstorms. It appears one of these storms knocked out the phone system in the District office. When the staff arrived Monday, they found
Sisters and Brothers: The joint Alaska Airlines Negotiating Committee continued negotiations with Alaska Airlines management this past week in Seattle, Washington. This session was dedicated to COPS contract issues. Represented
Your negotiation committee met with ExpressJet the week of June 4, 2018, in Atlanta, Georgia. We had very productive talks with the Company over the open economic issues and we
June 7, 2018 Brothers and Sisters, On behalf of the members of the TWU-IAM Association, we would like to extend our enthusiastic support for the Aircraft Maintenance Offshoring Bill, federal
Watch both of these videos for a clear explanation! MIA AA van – Orlando Luna, an American Airlines maintenance training instructor from Miami, was seriously injured
On Tuesday, May 8, the Company released some information concerning a new concept within the Customer Service Classification call the “Concorde Team”. In my last bulletin on April 26, 2018,
On Wednesday May 30, 2018, District Lodge 142 General Chair Kenny Champagne along with Grand Lodge Representative John Werkmeister and members of your Negotiation Committee conducted contract informational meetings. On
The Southwest Airlines Shop Steward Conference was held May 30 and 31, 2018 at the Winpisinger Center. President-Directing General Chair Dave Supplee made opening remarks and introduced Airline Coordinator Tim
On Thursday, May 24, 2018 we held a ratification vote for the tentative agreement reached by the negotiating committee. The committee supported this TA and gave the membership their unanimous
Brothers and Sisters, In an amateurish and unprofessional move, American Airlines management is trying to bribe Association members into giving away work, abandoning good healthcare and giving up better retirement