

Support Our Fight for 10 hours Rest for Flight Attendants

Brothers & Sisters,   We are on the cusp of a historical fight that will pave the way for increased safety for years to come.  As safety professionals and first responders we are tasked with handling emergencies and caring for thousands of passengers everyday.  However, there has been study after study that shows Flight Attendants

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Global Cabin Air Quality Executive and International Transport Workers Federation Cabin Crew Committee’s Annual Meeting Report

It was an honor and a privilege to represent the IAM at the Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE) and International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) Cabin Crew Committee’s annual meetings.  The absolute necessity of airline workers collaborating on a worldwide scale has never been more apparent than it is now, with the ever-expanding global airline

Global Cabin Air Quality Executive and International Transport Workers Federation Cabin Crew Committee’s Annual Meeting Report Read More »

The Risk of Melanoma in Airline Pilots and Cabin Crew

Below is an article with information that affects us all. I would like to recommend that sunblock be worn on exposed portions of your body and please do yearly exams with a dermatologist. If there is a history of melanoma in your family and have never been examined, please do so as soon as possible.

The Risk of Melanoma in Airline Pilots and Cabin Crew Read More »