

Philadelphia Safety Fair

AA Maintenance Employees in PHL Participate in Safety Fair

Sisters and Brothers, The Philadelphia Airport (PHL) sponsored a Safety Fair on May 17th, 2022. IAM members from American Airlines Maintenance in PHL manned a booth at the fair and put together an impressive presentation. Frank Gambino, American Airlines Crew Chief AMT, District 142 Safety Member, and Safety Chair from Local Lodge 1776 coordinated and

AA Maintenance Employees in PHL Participate in Safety Fair Read More »

Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2022

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Memorial Day is the day we set aside every year to honor and remember those who have died in service to our country. Those women and men who made the ultimate sacrifice and secured and enabled the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as a

Memorial Day 2022 Read More »

IAM/Southwest Airlines Contract Ratification Update

POST ON ALL IAMAW BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Assuring to keep you, the dedicated membership, informed, engaged and participating in the ongoing work of the campaign to secure a Collective Bargaining Agreement that will uphold and strengthen the fight for dignity and respect for our families through the labor of our workers, we

IAM/Southwest Airlines Contract Ratification Update Read More »

*** URGENT – DO NOT OPEN – John M. Coveny, Jr. Email Hack ***

Urgent! IAMAW District Lodge 142 President-Directing General Chair John M. Coveny, Jr.’s email () has been compromised. If you receive an email from PDGC John’s email with the subject: “New Payroll Information” (See image below) DO NOT open the email or click its links. The IAMAW IT Directors are working to resolve the matter.

*** URGENT – DO NOT OPEN – John M. Coveny, Jr. Email Hack *** Read More »