

Association Negotiations Update

Sisters and Brothers, Since the resumption of mediated negotiations between the Association and American Airlines on September 16, the parties have met multiple days over five weekly sessions. Although progress has been slow, it has been positive and productive. The talks have moved into more serious and in-depth discussions regarding Scope, Insurance and Retirement. Since […]

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Association Bulletin – October 18, 2019

Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry. Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting. Please Post on All TWU-

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Negotiations resumed October 8 -10, 2019 at Southwest Airlines Headquarters Dallas, Texas. This week an agreement in principle was reached with Article Twenty-Five (Profit Sharing/401K). Progress with discussions focused around Articles Five (Classifications) and Six (Hours of Service). Future session dates are scheduled for November 6 – 8 and November 12 -14, 2019 in Dallas.


Association Bulletin – October 11, 2019

Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry. Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting. Please Post on All TWU-

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Hawaiian Airlines Joint Negotiation Team Begins Preparation for Talks

Your Negotiating Committee for Districts 141 & 142, along with staff and officers from both Districts and Grand Lodge representatives, participated in the Negotiation Preparation for Bargaining Committees program at Local Lodge 1979 in Honolulu, HI. Both Districts represents employees at Hawaiian Airlines. Your committee consists of: David Figueira– GC, DL142         

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Air Wisconsin Tentative Agreement Reached

After many long months of Section 6 negotiations, with a significant number conducted in Mediation with the National Mediation Board, a Tentative Agreement has been reached with the Company. This new 3-year Agreement continues to provide economic gains and long term financial  and job security for the membership. The highlights of this Agreement are as

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Negotiations took place the week of September 30, 2019 at Southwest Airlines Headquarters in Dallas, Texas. The week started with discussions resulting in an Agreement in Principle with the following Articles: Ten (Part-Time Employees); Thirteen (Sick and Occupational Injury Pay) and Twenty-Four (Group Insurance). The company presented Article TwentyFive (Profit Sharing/401K) which ended the week working with this


Association Update – September 27, 2019

Negotiations continued at the National Mediation Board offices in Washington, DC this week. Some progress on issues other than Scope, Retirement, Healthcare and Wages was made. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry. The Mediators scheduled additional dates at the Mediation Board offices October 8 through October 10. We

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Association Negotiations Update – 09-20-19

Federally-mediated negotiations between the TWU-IAM Association and American Airlines continued this week in Washington, D.C. At the request of the NMB, the parties have agreed to keep details of our discussions confidential. The National Mediation Board scheduled negotiations to continue next week in Washington, and we are hopeful that progress is made then. Please Post

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