


POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Please be advised, that due to weather conditions resulting in the inability for our Negotiating Team to land as scheduled, the vote at Prudhoe Bay had to be rescheduled.  Your Union Representatives will be present in the Prudhoe Bay station to explain changes to the […]



IAM/Amentum – Homestead CBP Ratification Information

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers, A contract ratification meeting has been scheduled to occur on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) building, Homestead Base, FL 33039.  At the ratification meeting, all members will have a chance to have all questions answered and upon completion, be allowed

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IAM/Amentum – Homestead CBP Tentative Agreement Reached

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers, Negotiations for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement were conducted recently with management representatives from Amentum at the Local Lodge 368 building in Miami, Florida.  After three days of direct negotiations and subsequent follow-up for language clarifications, a Tentative Agreement comprised of the Company’s best and

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IAD – Signature Flight Support Wage Increase Agreement Reached

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Given today’s economy, the Company and the Union entered discussions to explore the feasibility of mid-term wage adjustments. We are pleased to announce an agreement has been reached which increases current base rates of pay by more than 11%! This increase will replace the current

IAD – Signature Flight Support Wage Increase Agreement Reached Read More »

Independence Day Statue of Liberty

Independence Day 2022

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Independence Day, July 4th, falls on a Monday this year. Like many Americans, you are probably looking forward to a three day weekend filled with fun activities such as barbecues, pool parties, parades and getaways; punctuated with fireworks and the celebration of the day America

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IAM/Southwest Airlines Grievance Summit

POST ON ALL IAMAW BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: Your General Chairs along with your President Directing General Chair John Coveny met with the Southwest Labor Administration Department and Senior Director of CS&S On June 27th-28th 2022.   The Company presented your GCs with information on mock bidding and virtual training for CS&S for remote operations.

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Juneteenth Freedom Day

Juneteenth Celebration 2022

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS   Dear Sisters and Brothers: In June of 2021, President Biden signed legislation to make June 19th, better known as Juneteenth, our nation’s 12th federal holiday. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, two years after the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1863, when Union troops, under the command

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IAM/Atlantic Aviation – TEB CBA Ratification Vote Overwhelmingly Passes!

POST ON ALL IAM BULLETIN BOARDS Dear Sisters and Brothers: A ratification vote was conducted at the Atlantic Aviation Teterboro facility today. After the polls closed, with more than 82% of this membership casting a vote, the members overwhelmingly accepted the terms of their Collective Bargaining Agreement by a 95% approval! This Collective Bargaining Agreement

IAM/Atlantic Aviation – TEB CBA Ratification Vote Overwhelmingly Passes! Read More »